- Wathina Luthi, Oklahoma
- Derrick Sleezer, Iowa
- Terry O’Neel, Nebraska
- Mike Wyant, Missouri
- Janet Archer, North Carolina
Candidates are also being sought for three open positions on the Pork Board Nominating Committee. Those appointed to the nominating committee will fill two, two-year terms in 2016 and 2017 and one-one year term in 2017. The Pork Checkoff Nominating Committee will solicit, interview, evaluate and recommend candidates for the Board to the Pork Act Delegate Body at the National Pork Industry Forum.
The application deadline is Nov. 1, 2015, with interviews for each candidate to be held in Des Moines on Dec. 10-11, 2015. Please direct application requests and questions to the National Pork Checkoff Board either by mail to 1776 NW 114th St., Clive, Iowa 50325, by telephone to Ashley Lowrey at (515) 223-2600, or email ALowrey@pork.org. More information and applications are also available at www.pork.org/about-us/get-involved.
The National Pork Checkoff Board consists of 15 members, each serving a maximum of two three-year terms. The Pork Act requires that no fewer than 12 states be represented by the 15 Pork Board members.
Source: PorkChekcoff