Davis Statement on Passage of USMCA

Dec 26, 2019

U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) released this statement after the House passed the USMCA by a vote of 385-41.

“I have been fighting for passage of this agreement from day one and I'm glad we finally got a vote in the House," said Davis. "But it’s disappointing that Speaker Pelosi has waited until after impeachment because now farmers will have to wait even longer for the Senate to be able to consider their top priority. This is not how our government should work. We should be able to set politics aside and move good, bipartisan legislation forward for the people we represent.
"The modernized trade deal will build on the economic growth we have seen and create new, good-paying jobs. I am especially pleased with the expansion of the markets for American farmers, as well as the provisions to incentivize more auto manufacturing and higher manufacturing wages. I applaud the Trump Administration for their diligent work in securing a better trade deal for the American people.”
Local agriculture applauds Davis' work on USMCA:
“No one understands better than Rep. Rodney Davis why farmers in his district and across Illinois must have improved access to international markets,” said Illinois Farm Bureau president Richard Guebert, Jr., a Randolph County grain farmer."Illinois Farm Bureau leaders and members greatly appreciate Congressman Davis’ leadership and years of service on the U.S. House Agriculture Committee and his understanding of USMCA’s value.  From day one, Rodney has been a vocal advocate, immediately recognizing the importance of an updated, modern trade deal with two of U.S. agriculture’s top three trading partners."
“Today’s USMCA passage will be stability to the marketplace that Illinois corn farmers desperately need. Mexico is the largest purchaser of corn and dried distillers grains with soluables. Canada is the second largest purchaser of ethanol. Together, our neighbors make up our largest and most reliable customers for corn and 25 percent of U.S. agricultural trade. I am so pleased and grateful for an agreement that solidifies our relationship,” said Bill Leigh, Illinois Corn Growers Association President.
“ADM greatly appreciates the leadership shown by members and the leadership of the House of Representatives as well as the Administration in supporting USMCA. This agreement is a good deal for the agriculture and food industries in all three countries, offering access to markets along with important modernizations. We look forward to continuing to work with policymakers toward a successful implementation.” - Archer Daniels Midland
“The Illinois Soybean Growers are encouraged by the bipartisan support for the USMCA agreement that ensures market and trade stability with the second largest export market for U.S. soybeans and leading export market for U.S. pork. Reliable access to export markets is critical for agriculture and the rural economy. We commend members of the U.S. House of Representatives voting in support of USMCA and look for speedy passage in the U.S. Senate." - Illinois Soybean Growers
"Passage of USMCA is a vital step forward to enhancing the export of agricultural products produced here in Illinois with neighboring countries. We appreciate the support of Congressman Rodney Davis to move this agreement across the finish line in the House of Representatives," said Jeffrey Adkisson, Executive Vice-President, Grain and Feed Association of Illinois.
“Trade is critical to Illinois manufacturers and the 592,000 women and men working on factory floors across the state. No trade relationships are more important that Canada and Mexico that purchased 40 percent - $27 billion – of Illinois’ manufactured exports last year. We applaud Congressman Davis for supporting the USMCA trade agreement that will benefit our local manufacturers," said Mark Denzler, President & CEO, Illinois Manufacturers' Association.

Source : House.gov
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