COVID-19 Update

Mar 23, 2020

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To all Ontario Pork producers,
Ontario Pork is closely monitoring recommendations from the government and public health as well as news from industry partners in relation to the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation.
As of March 23:
  • Border restrictions relate to people only. Trade and commerce, including livestock movement, will continue.
  • Processing plants in Ontario continue to operate, with procedures in place to reduce the risk of disease transmission and ensure business continuity.
  • In an update on Monday morning, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced there will be new measures to support farmers and agri-food businesses facing financial impacts of COVID-19, including $5 billion in lending capacity for producers, agribusinesses and food processors.
  • Minister Bibeau confimed temporary foreign workers in agriculture, agri-food, seafood processing and other key industries will be permitted to enter Canada. All individuals entering from abroad must isolate for 14 days upon their arrival.
  • There is no evidence that pigs are susceptible to COVID-19.

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