Cover Crops: Share your Insights by Taking the Cover Crops in Semi-Arid Crop Production Survey

Mar 13, 2025

Kansas State University (KSU) in collaboration with the Colorado Conservation Tillage Association (CCTA) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Kansas Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) invites all producers from the semi-arid Great Plains region to participate in a survey that will gain insight into how producers view incorporating cover crops into their cropping systems.

There have been many cover cropping surveys conducted nationwide. However, many of these participants come from regions in the United States where there are more rainfall events or irrigated acres. Therefore, the semi-arid Great Plains region is not adequately represented and the data collected may not be practical for agricultural production systems in this region. This region-specific survey will bring new perspectives on growing cover crops in water-limited environments, as they are becoming a popular conservation practice.

This survey is being conducted to gain producers’ perspectives on the use of cover crops in water-limited environments, particularly in drier regions of Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado. The survey includes questions regarding 1) management practices, 2) resource concerns, 3) whether or not cover crops are used, 4) why or why not cover crops are incorporated, 5) benefits and limitations to using cover crops, and 6) USDA Program assistance regarding cover crops. At the conclusion of the survey, participants will be asked if they would like to participate in an optional follow-up in-person interview. Overall, survey participants will provide their perspectives and insights on cover crop use in their operation. All identities will be kept confidential outside of KSU, CCTA, and Kansas NRCS. Participant information, even if identities are removed, will not be used or distributed for future research studies.

All data collected from the survey and interviews will be used to generate extension publications on management guidelines for successful cover cropping in semi-arid regions. This data will also provide recommendations to review USDA farm and conservation programs that will align better with current farming practices adopted by producers to improve soil health in semi-arid environments. 

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