Production for both corn and soybeans declined from last year, according to the 2022 Crop Production Annual Summary released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.
U.S. corn growers produced 13.7 billion bushels, down 9% from 2021. Corn yield in the United States is estimated at 173.3 bushels per acre, 3.4 bushels below the 2021 record high yield of 176.7 bushels per acre. Area harvested for grain, at 79.2 million acres, is down 7% from 2021.
Soybean production for 2022 totaled 4.28 billion bushels, down 4% from 2021. The average soybean yield is estimated at 49.5 bushels per acre, 2.2 bushels below 2021, and 0.7 bushel below the Nov. 1 forecast.
For 2022, all cotton production is down 16% from 2021, at 14.7 million 480-pound bales. The U.S. yield is estimated at 947 pounds per acre, up 128 pounds from last year’s yield. Harvested area, at 7.44 million acres, is down 28% from last year.