Connecting Urban and Rural Communities Through 4-H

Nov 13, 2017

4-H leadership in Canada say they've seen an increase in the number of youth involved in the 4-H program.
The federal Conservative's Associate Ag Critic John Barlow says this is because they've really started to think outside the box in terms of the different types of programs they offer.
"Where 4-H is going to play a real critical role moving forward, is we're seeing more and more urban youth be further and further away from the farm. Now we have second, and third generation of Canadians who have never been on a farm, or really understand what farming is about."
Barlow says they look forward to working with 4-H to reconnect rural and urban communities in Canada.
"So those who grew up in more urban centers understand that they can have a connection to the farm or rural lifestyle through 4-H programs that are now being offered in urban centres, and get them in touch with where their food comes from, how it's grown, and some of the innovation and environmental stewardship that's happening on the farm."
4-H members, alumni, and volunteers are celebrating November as National 4-H Month.

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