The Swine Health Information Center advises stepped up biosecurity as the colder weather hits.The Swine Health Information Center has released its November domestic and global disease monitoring reports.SHIC Associate Director Dr. Lisa Becton says colder weather is always more challenging and we're seeing increased disease pressure.
Quote-Dr. Lisa Becton-Swine Health Information Center:
Unfortunately, we are starting to see increased activity with PRSS.Our case positive rate has increased from September and we're seeing that in both sectors, in sow and in wean to harvest or grow finish.There are some regional differences of what viruses are being seen with increased activity in Iowa, Indiana, South Dakota and Oklahoma and the L1C strain really is a predominant challenge that we're seeing in these areas.
However, we are seeing an increase in other diseases such as PED and that's being seen in Iowa, Oklahoma and Missouri and so those infections are also noted.We see several different challenges.One, we're coming in on the tail end of manure application season before the ground freezes and we do know that there can be an increased risk of disease transmission through manure application and aerosolization of some pathogens.