Choosing And Caring For The Perfect Christmas Tree

Choosing And Caring For The Perfect Christmas Tree
Nov 04, 2022

By Bethany O’Rear 

As Thanksgiving becomes a fond memory, the focus shifts to Christmas — and the pinnacle of Christmas decorating is finding the perfect tree. If the goal is to find a tree even Lucy is proud of (forgive the “Peanuts” reference), there are a few points to consider.

First, look at timing. Most commercially available fresh-cut trees are harvested in early November. For the consumer, this may seem quite early, posing the challenge of keeping the tree looking its best until the last present is unwrapped.

If the tree was properly handled and placed in cold storage before shipping, freshness will not be an issue. However, if the tree was harvested and subjected to wind and sun exposure, it will dry out. This decreases shelf life dramatically and poses a fire risk. The key to freshness is moisture.

Ask the following questions:

o Are the trees displayed in water?

o Is the ground in the tree selection area damp from regular irrigation?

o Is the tree heavy? (Weight indicates moisture content.)

o What color are the needles? (If a rich dark green, the tree has received the water it needs.)

Want to guarantee the tree is as fresh as possible? Cut your own! There are numerous choose-and cut

Christmas tree farms throughout Alabama. This supports a local farmer and helps your family make memories combing the field to find the perfect tree.

Choosing the right type of tree is as important as choosing a fresh one. Options vary depending on pre-cut or self-cut trees. Needle shape, color, texture, branch structure and scent differ. Varieties typically found at local retailers are Douglas fir, Frasier fir, white pine, Scotch pine and Colorado blue spruce. Virginia pine, Eastern red cedar, white pine, Leyland cypress and Arizona cypress are common at choose-and-cut farms.

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