Checking in on the Beef Checkoff - The Checkoff's Role in Educating Consumers on Beef Safety

Aug 23, 2018
Checking In on the Beef Checkoff is a new series the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and the Oklahoma Farm Report is proud to offer in partnership with the Oklahoma Beef Council. Over the next several weeks, we invite you to join us as we highlight some of the efforts being undertaken by the Beef Checkoff to promote beef on behalf of producers. This week, Clay Burtrum, member of the National Beef Checkoff Operating Committee, visits with us about the Checkoff’s role in educating consumers about beef safety. Listen to Burtrum speak with Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays about this effort, by clicking or tapping the LISTEN BAR below at the bottom of the page.
“The beef safety research that producers have funded through their Checkoff has played a role of course, but it goes beyond that,” Burtrum said. “Through the Checkoff, we’ve also helped to ensure that important knowledge about how to keep beef safe is shared across the industry.”
Burtrum says each year, the Checkoff hosts leaders from the public and private sector at the annual Beef Safety Summit to talk frankly about how the industry can reinforce beef safety standards for consumers. Through the Checkoff’s continued investments in research and education, Burtram says the industry and its consumers have benefitted from the resulting advancements in beef safety.
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