CFO presents at Government Committee on COVID-19

Aug 31, 2020

TORONTO, ON – Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) provided an update to the Ontario Legislature’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs as part of the committee’s review of COVID-19 response measures and support for small and medium enterprises.
Ed Benjamins, Chair of Chicken Farmers of Ontario, and Rob Dougans, President & CEO of Chicken Farmers of Ontario, presented the latest information on the Ontario chicken industry, and recognized the Ontario government’s transparency and openness, as the province has worked through the COVID-19 pandemic.
“While COVID-19 has brought about changes to many common routines – and things are definitely not business as usual – it is Chicken As Usual, and Ontario's chicken farmers are on the job and committed to raising safe, healthy, high quality, locally-grown chicken for families and for food banks,” said Ed Benjamins, Chair of Chicken Farmers of Ontario. “We want to recognize Minister Hardeman and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, for working with CFO from day one of the pandemic.”
Members of the Ontario Legislature’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs asked the presenters about the health and safety of farmers and workers, and questioned CFO about the stability and economic recovery outlook of Ontario’s chicken industry.
“CFO and the Ontario chicken industry have worked together to establish strong health and safety protocols, based on recommendations issued by government, and local public health authorities – in order to protect farmers, workers, and stakeholders throughout the food supply chain,” said Rob Dougans, President & CEO of Chicken Farmers of Ontario. “We are confident we have the team, the government support, the processor-customer partnerships, industry value chain relationships, and CFO regulations and protocols in place to maintain Ontario chicken protein supply resiliency through this uncertain period.”

Source : CFO
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