“These calves were actually infected in gestation as a fetus,” Larson said. If those cattle survive to birth, they will continually shed the virus as they move about the herd to expose other animals, according to Larson.
He explained this can occur when a pregnant cow is exposed to a persistently infected calf. While she may recover from the virus, the fetus in the womb becomes persistently infected. If the calf survives, it perpetuates the infection when it enters the herd.
White said if a producer suspects they have the BVD virus in the herd, it is important to consult with a veterinarian and explore a testing strategy prior to breeding. This strategy involves testing all the calves in the herd.
“If the calf is persistently infected, it will need to be removed from the herd and likely euthanized, so it doesn’t expose other animals. Producers need to be prepared for that possibility when they opt for testing,” White said. Larson added the is highly accurate.
Both veterinarians agreed that the likelihood of having BVD in the herd without signs is low.
“Our best estimate is that BVD is circulating in about 7% of the herds in the country,” Larson said.
Source : k-state.edu