Precision Disk™ 500T air drill is designed to help soybean producers add days to growing season while new air cart configurations and planter features add capacity, agronomic benefits
As the 2021 planting season nears, growers are looking at how to drive efficiency, boost yields and make the most of their equipment investments. Case IH shares how to achieve early, consistent soybean emergence to drive yields, and provides equipment investment recommendations for growers to consider to maximize ROI on their operation this year. In addition, new configurations of Precision Air™ carts bring the largest capacity in the Case IH tow-between model lineup for greater in-field efficiency, while new features for 2000 series Early Riser® planters enhance accuracy and minimize compaction.
Plant soybeans earlier to maximize yield potential
While many growers prioritize planting corn before soybeans, studies from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign show that planting soybeans earlier can be critical to maximizing yield potential. When soybeans are planted early, they reach stage V1 earlier, resulting in more potential pods and seeds per acre.1
One effective way producers growing both corn and soybeans can expand soybean-planting windows is by adding a lower-investment, high-efficiency air drill to their operation. The Case IH Precision Disk 500T single disk, single-rank air drill, for example, is an ideal option to help plant soybeans earlier or into tough no-till seedbeds — all while maximizing ROI.
“For years, growers have traditionally prioritized planting corn before soybeans. Recent studies showing the significant benefits of early soybean planting, however, are causing some producers to reconsider their planting practices and plant soybean crops earlier,” said Trent Nowosad, Case IH marketing manager for seeding equipment. “Adding an air drill to a producer’s operation for soybean seeding can add valuable days to the growing season.”
Late-emerging soybeans can be costly
In addition to earlier planting, key drivers to soybean yields that producers have control over are accurate seed placement and consistent emergence. Studies from North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association show that late-emerging soybeans can be costly — with a potential loss of up to $140 per acre when soybeans are just four days behind.2 Case IH Precision Disk 500T single disk, single-rank air drills are designed to deliver the most accurate seed placement in the industry, allowing growers to set up their soybean crop for success and help plants emerge earlier and more consistently to boost yields.
Case IH Precision Disk 500T single disk, single-rank air drills are agronomically designed with a parallel link row unit — a feature that sets this model apart from competitors. This row unit is built to efficiently cut through residue, open a uniform seed trench, accurately deliver the seed and effectively close the trench. For growers looking for a soybean-special air drill, a single-rank configuration with 15-inch spacing is now available for the Model Year 2021 Precision Disk 500T.
“With the Case IH Precision Disk 500T single disk air drill, producers don’t have to sacrifice accuracy and agronomic performance for efficiency,” Nowosad said. “Each feature and component is designed to contribute to earlier, more-uniform emergence to help growers boost their bottom lines.”
New Precision Air 5 series air cart models
Delivering more capacity to help small grain producers make the most of their time in the field, Case IH is expanding the Precision Air 5 series air cart lineup with two new wide-body, tow-between models. The new Precision Air 3725 offers a capacity of 725 bushels, while the Precision Air 4765 carries 760 bushels — the largest capacity in the Case IH tow-between model lineup.
Each new model features a three-tank design, while the Precision Air 4765 air cart also is equipped with an auxiliary tank. The new models are available with a hydraulic jack to raise and lower the air cart, making it easy to hook up to the tractor, even when the cart is fully loaded. A multiposition rear hitch allows for proper drill height for added flexibility, accommodating varying types of drills.
Case IH also offers a new rice roller, available on all Model Year 2021 Precision Air 5 series air carts. Designed to meter both hybrid and conventional rice with unmatched accuracy, this option is available to order factory-installed. Current owners of Precision Air 5 series air carts can install the roller on their current models.
New features for Early Riser planter
To help producers achieve accurate seed placement, Case IH is offering the Precision Planting® WaveVision® seed sensor as a factory-fit option for the 2000 series Early Riser planter. Available for Model Year 2022, this feature is especially valuable for growers in high-dust or extreme residue conditions where a standard optical sensor might provide erratic feedback due to interference.
In addition, Case IH offers a 2x2 frame-mounted liquid fertilizer factory-fit for Model Year 2022, ideal for growers looking for precise placement of starter fertilizer with their planter pass. Available for 2160 Early Riser planters, new track offerings include a 24-inch-wide track spaced at a gauge width of 132 inches to help growers minimize compaction.