Updates to the assessment of seed coat discolouration in soybeans
As part of our grain grading modernization project, the Official Grain Grading Guide will be updated to clarify the assessment of seed coat discolouration in soybeans, effective on August 1, 2024.
The changes include updates to definitions and grade determination tables for factors related to soybean staining. We will also be adding new photographs to the web version of the guide to assist in the evaluation of seed coat discolouration.
Table reformatting in the Official Grain Grading Guide
Our grade determination tables are being changed to be more clear, user friendly and accessible. Effective August 1, 2024, grain grades will be moved to column (vertical) format and grain grading factors will be listed in row (horizontal) format. This change will be to the formatting only and won’t change any grading factors or tolerances.
The new and previous versions of the tables will both be available in the online version of the Official Grain Grading Guide for a minimum of 6 months to help with the transition.
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