On behalf of Canada’s 60,000 beef producers including 19,000 beef producers in Ontario, the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA), National Cattle Feeders’ Association (NCFA) and Beef Farmers of Ontario (BFO) strongly encourage the Cargill Dunlop facility in Guelph and members of UFCW Local 175 to come to an expedited labour resolution. The beef sector in Canada relies on a resilient processing industry across the country and the impacts of this strike are significantly impacting beef producers in eastern Canada.
“Canadian beef producers rely on a strong and stable supply chain to get beef to Canadians and our global customers as efficiently as possible. While we fully respect and support the collective bargaining process, we cannot turn a blind eye on the effect this stalemate is having on our beef industry,” commented Nathan Phinney, President of CCA. “Both sides are urged to expedite their negotiations to find a solution as soon as possible.”
Having a processing facility in Guelph is key for eastern Canadian beef producers and supports a number of regional brands and programs. To date, there has been no indication of upcoming talks or negotiations that would see an end to the strike that began on May 27, 2024.
“The challenges that come with the loss of eastern Canada’s largest beef processor cannot be understated,” says Craig McLaughlin, BFO President. “Ontario is the second largest cattle feeding province in the country, and our members rely on the important work of our processing partners and their role in getting beef on the plates of consumers here in Ontario and around the world. With each passing day, the consequences of the Cargill Dunlop labour strike continue to mount for our feedlot sector, beef supply chain partners, and our farmers’ ability to cash flow their operations. BFO urges both sides to work toward an immediate resolution of this dispute.”