Daniel and Lorin began a beef marketing business in 2018 known as “Gemstone Grass Fed Beef”. They now market their beef on-line and at their butcher shop/food kiosk at Calgary’s Farmers Market. Their younger brother Barry also joined the farm. The three Doerksen Brothers were honoured to be part of Avenues Magazine’s, Top 40 Under 40, Class of 2023.
Simon Plante began working on the family farm at a young age and was the sales manager at 18 of the family farm-Polyculture Plante 1987 Inc, a horticulture business located in Sainte- Pétronille, Que.
Upon taking ownership in 2021, he felt being the boss allowed him to implement his vision and strategies while making people happy by filling a basic need- food. They now produce strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, sweet corn, tomatoes, onions, squash, pumpkins and maple products sold on-farm at Marché Plante.
They are looking at recycling irrigation water to reduce water and fertilizer usage. With a large capital investment, they started growing berries above ground, making it easier for their pickers, helping maximize land use, and producing less waste and better berry quality.
Simon’s wife, Alison Blouin, joined the farm as operational and Human Resources manager in 2021. She works closely with roughly 100 foreign workers to ensure they are treated like family. Her work includes travelling and living with the workers to understand their culture.
Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers Past-President Danny Penner said the event, held in Lethbridge, was a great success.
“The honourees for 2024 will make a fantastic addition to the national alumni with many great years of celebrating agriculture in their future. We are so proud of the winners,” he said. “They will be fantastic ambassadors for agriculture.”
Every year this event brings recognition to outstanding farmers in Canada between 18 and 39 years of age who have exemplified excellence in their profession while fostering better urban-rural relations.
The winners were chosen from seven regional finalists, including the honourees from the other regions:
Aubyn & Tristan Banwell- Spray Creek Ranch-Lillooet, BC
Erika & Cyle Stewart- Pine Ranch Ltd.- Morse, Sask.
Paige & Marcus Dueck- Four Oak Farms- Kleefeld, Man.
DJ Wassenaar & Matt Bergman- Haybury Farms Inc- Jarvis, Ont.
Geena Luckett- Luckett Farms Ltd- Wallbrook, NS