The overall goal of biosecurity is to protect animals from disease by minimizing the movement of biologic organisms (such as viruses, bacteria or parasites) within and/or onto an operation. The key principles to achieve this are physical separation of sick or suspected sick animals, cleaning to remove any contamination and disinfecting to kill any remaining pathogens.
Producers should practice these basic biosecurity guidelines by developing and implementing a daily biosecurity protocol to protect their operations from outbreaks of sickness and disease. The Beef Quality Assurance program has developed a simple template for producers to use in creating this basic daily biosecurity plan. This plan can be found under the templates section at
At the end of the day, a disease outbreak can financially cripple an operation if animal performance is greatly reduced or, worse, if the outbreak results in the death of animals.
Beyond basic biosecurity, the National BQA program has recently been discussing enhanced biosecurity plans. Enhanced plans go several steps beyond basic measures. They are intended for use in the event of a foreign animal disease outbreak.
The beef industry’s main foreign animal disease concern is foot and mouth disease. Foot and mouth disease was eradicated from the U.S. in 1929. However, it is still active in other countries and is easily spread. It is considered the most contagious animal disease known.
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