“We are trying to provide producers with enhanced knowledge of beef production practices and how they relate to the end product; that’s the overall goal,” Cassens said.
Registration is $50 and can be completed online. Cassen said they invite ranchers, educators and allied business individuals to register for the educational program. Each session will be capped at about 40-45 people to allow for hands-on participation.
On the agenda
The various lessons will be presented by meat science faculty and staff from the Department of Animal Science.
The presenters and topics they will address are:
— Jason Bagley, Texas Beef Council beef resources senior manager, Austin: Beef Checkoff update.
— Dan Hale, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension associate director for agriculture and natural resources and meat specialist, Bryan-College Station: Eating appeal of beef, and finished steer to carcass on the grid.
— Cassens: Beef carcass grading, market cattle video.
— Jason Cleere, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist and associate professor, Bryan-College Station: Market cattle evaluation.
— Ray Riley, Rosenthal Meat Science and Technology Center manager, Bryan-College Station: Beef harvest floor demonstration.
— Davey Griffin, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension meat science specialist and professor, Bryan-College Station: Meat cutting, fabrication of the frontquarters and hindquarters, finished steer to boxed beef value.
— Ron Gill, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist and professor, Stephenville: Feeder calf beef quality management; different kinds of beef to market – defining traditional, freezer, natural, forage-finished and organic beef.
— Joe Paschal, Ph.D., retired AgriLife Extension livestock specialist and professor emeritus, Corpus Christi: Genetic selection tools for producing quality beef.
Source : tamu.edu