Dylan Robinson operates Peter Melnyk Farms, NW of Waskatenau, AB. The family farm (1400 acres) was established by Robinson’s great grandfather, who emigrated from Ukraine in the 1920s and settled the farm.
After graduating from high school, Dylan began farming alongside his Gido Peter (until his recent passing), and transitioned to managing the operation over the past seven years. He shares, “I farm alongside my wife, and my brother and parents lend a hand when their personal lives and careers allow. Rotations of Hard Red Wheat—Canola—Oats—Yellow Peas do well in our soil types and provide a good balance of marketing diversity/opportunities as well.”
The area has a fairly short growing season, so early-season upright oat varieties with short straw are what Dylan looks for: “I have traditionally grown Morgan, as it works fairly well when seeded in mid- to late-May. The yield and weights have been consistent in our variable, high-organic-matter soil. However, in the past few years I have been trying ORE3542M and find it to be a shorter variety with slightly earlier maturity. Because of results reported in the POGA-supported Alberta Oat Varietal Trial, I’m eager to try new varieties in the future to see the results on my own farm.”
Dylan decided to run for an AOGC board seat to further the promotion of the Alberta and the Canadian Prairies oat industry. He conveys, “We need to continue to get the word out to producers and consumers that oats are a healthy, sustainable addition to the other dominant crop types produced. It has great potential as another alternative for the protein and milk markets. It is an important part of crop rotations to increase soil health, and also a valuable, affordable dietary staple that promotes human health.”