In a letter sent to members Friday and obtained by The Canadian Press, the BC Tree Fruits Cooperative says “extremely low” volumes of fruit and difficult market conditions mean it will no longer be accepting fruit.
The letter says the co-operative, which processes, stores, packages and sells fruit for 330 member farms, will be going to court for direction on how to wind down and “maximize recovery for all stakeholders.”
It says growers should “immediately search for another alternative” to get their products to market for the rest of the season.
In a statement sent to The Canadian Press, the co-operative asks for patience as it navigates the process with its lenders and advisers.
“The board of directors of BC Tree Fruits Cooperative determined that due to extremely low estimated fruit volumes, weather effects, and difficult market and financial conditions, the co-operative will not be able to effectively operate the business moving forward,” the statement says.
Deol said farmers knew that the organization had been struggling for some time but that it is “very shocking” to see it close midseason.
“People are literally picking fruit right now and it was meant to go to the co-op and the doors are closed. And that is a really scary situation especially because it’s already such an abysmal year,” she said,
Weather this winter wiped out almost all of B.C.’s peaches, apricots and nectarines for the year and severely damaged cherry orchards.
In mid-January, the Interior saw several days of frigid temperatures that killed off active buds in trees that had only just begun to recover from the 2021 heat dome and had gone through a harsh winter in 2022.
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