Aug. 15 Is Early Deadline For K-State’s Risk & Profit Conference

Aug 01, 2014

From payroll to irrigation water, 18 concurrent sessions cover array of agriculture-related topics

Aug. 15 is the early deadline to register for the K-State Risk & Profit Conference, this year to be held Thursday and Friday, Aug. 21-22 at the K-State Alumni Center in Manhattan.

Dermot Hayes, Pioneer Hi-Bred International Chair in Agribusiness and professor of economics and finance at Iowa State University will give the keynote address, “Impact of Chinese Reforms on U.S. Agriculture.” Hayes leads the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development and is co-director of the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute, a research center administered by CARD at Iowa State and the University of Missouri.

Michael Springer will be featured during “A Conversation with a Kansas Producer.” Springer farms, raises hogs and does public appearances to help educate consumers about what farmers do to raise healthy, quality food.

K-State Research and Extension agricultural economists Glynn Tonsor and Dan O’Brien will present the “Livestock Market Outlook” and “Grain Market Outlook,” respectively.  

Eighteen breakout sessions presented by K-State Department of Agricultural Economics faculty, include such topics as: Do You Know Your Consumer? Differences in Consumer and Producer Views of Animal Welfare in the Beef Industry; A Financial Tool You Can Use-The DuPont Profitability Model; Historical Impacts of Precipitation and Temperature on Farm Production in Kansas; Adoption and Intensification of Conservation Practices, Risk and Policy; and Getting the Most Value from Limited Irrigation Water.

Other topics include: The Value and Feasibility of Differentiating Yourself from the Average Crop Producer in Your Area; Intro to Payroll; Farm Accounting with Quickbooks; Profitability of Storage Hedges for Kansas Wheat Producers; Déjà vu All Over Again: Comparing the 1970s and Now; and Machinery Costs in Kansas.

A complete list of presentation topics, along with online registration and more information is available at K-State Risk & Profit Conference. The fee for the full two days is $200 if paid by Aug. 15, and $225 after that date. One-day registrations are $125 per person by Aug. 15; $150 after that date. Registration includes conference materials plus lunch, a social with cash bar and dinner on Aug. 21 and light breakfast and lunch on Aug. 22.

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