The president, who has trailed in polls against his opponent, former President Donald J. Trump, gave nothing short of a campaign-style speech designed to rally his base and win over independents. Conspicuously absent were the usual olive branches or allusions to working together.
The speech was a reminder that we’re not just in an ordinary election year; we’re in an election year that will be unusually divisive. I have written at length in previous columns about how the divisions in this city are presenting all kinds of impediments to advancing legislation. We can expect those challenges to grow exponentially in 2024.
This is a concern for farmers, who have numerous priorities before Congress, including farm bill reauthorization, passage of legislation ensuring year-round access to higher blends of ethanol during the summer months and advancement of the Next Generation Fuels Act.
To penetrate all the noise in the air in Washington, corn advocates are using ingenuity. Just as the president and members of Congress are setting their agenda for the year ahead, we’re reminding these policymakers of our objectives for 2024.
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