Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle

Nov 07, 2017
By Rick Funston
Cattlemen, academia and allied industry interested in improving reproductive strategies in beef cattle gathered in Manhattan, Kansas, Aug. 29-30 for the 2017 Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle (ARSBC) symposium.
Considered the premier national event in beef cattle reproductive management, the meeting has a long history of providing the latest information on the application of reproductive technologies and includes a range of topics related to cow herd reproduction — such as nutritional interactions, management, and male fertility.
Cow-calf producers know that reproduction is the most economically important trait and this meeting brings together some of the most practical and knowledgeable individuals in the industry to discuss reproductive management.
The Beef Reproduction Task Force, which includes reproductive physiologists from land-grant universities work together on reproductive management education. The program is a joint effort of the Task Force and K-State Research and Extension.