Applications Now Open for the 2025-26 Beef Researcher Mentorship Program

Mar 19, 2025

Engaging researchers who study cattle, beef, genetics, feed or forage production with the Canadian beef cattle industry is mutually beneficial; it allows researchers to be better informed of industry needs and more likely to share their findings with a practical, solution-based focus. Facilitating and encouraging their attendance to industry events and networking with industry professionals, especially for new beef researchers from non-Canadian agriculture backgrounds, is extremely valuable.

The Beef Researcher Mentorship Program is an initiative to facilitate greater engagement of upcoming and new applied researchers with Canada’s beef industry. It provides researchers with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the needs of the beef industry in a practical and meaningful way. The program is designed to:

  • align research interests with those that are practical and beneficial to Canada’s beef industry,
  • build the skills, network and confidence necessary to participate in or lead applied research and technology transfer efforts that enhance and accelerate innovation in Canada’s beef industry, and
  • facilitate collaborations that help new Canadian beef researchers establish effective applied research and extension programs.

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