
Nov 24, 2015
“With changes in today’s environment and economy, there seems to be renewed interest in building business plans, following cost of production and getting adequate returns for that production,” says Pauline Van Biert, research analyst, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF), Edmonton. “The AgriProfit$ is a business analysis program that provides economic analysis and farm business management information to cow/calf and crop farmers using their own numbers.”
After providing their farm information, participants receive a detailed analysis that drills right down to their own cost of production, such as the cost per pound of calf weaned, cost per ton of hay or cost per bushel of barley, or for whatever unit for the product they produce.
“In working with Alberta producers we’ve learned that while two farms may look pretty similar on the outside, their costs and profits can vary widely for a number of reasons. Differences in profitability has more to do with differences in their costs of production and less about commodity prices. In knowing these differences and using their own numbers, farm managers can better control their business.’ 
Van Biert says that while financial statements summarize the activity of the business, they don’t dig down to how each activity, crop, or enterprise, contributes to the overall farm profitability.
“AgriProfit$ breaks down the farm into enterprises, like a cow herd, or grains, or forages. Each enterprise is reported on individually and can be looked at as a unit to see where there are strengths or weaknesses. AgriProfit$ also brings it all back together into a farm analysis so farmers can also see their overall farm picture.”
Provincial averages, or benchmarks, are also provided to participants. The data from all participants is used to establish these benchmarks. These can be used as a reference points by producers to see how they compare to their peers.
AgriProfit$ is for the 2015 production year and producers are sent forms to fill in. A farm visit is made between January and March to finish up and pick up the forms. 
“Producers tell us that they have become more effective at analyzing, budgeting and planning, and that they are making better management decisions,” says Van Biert. “They understand what their long term average costs are, can identify targets for what their costs should be, and are more effective at identifying business options and opportunities.” 
Source : Agriculture and Forestry
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