BURLINGTON, ON - As we all continue to adjust to this new way of doing business, Chicken Farmers of Ontario’s (CFO) Chair, Ed Benjamins, would like to reassure and remind farmer-members of CFO’s unwavering commitment to produce safe, high quality, Premium Ontario Chicken for consumers.
“I wanted to reach out to share a message that we are working extremely hard on the farmers’ and industry’s behalves to make sure that the product we produce continues to go to market,” said Benjamins in a video update for farmer-members.
CLICK HERE to view the message from CFO Chair Ed Benjamins.
While these are challenging and unprecedented times posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Benjamins reiterates the importance of focusing on what matters most – the health and safety of family and the animals in our care.
“We are committed, our team is committed, and our staff-associates are committed to ensuring that what we do as farmers, continues to happen in the best possible fashion,” added Benjamins.