1. Listen to customers
Are customers asking for more of your product? If they are consistently asking for more, consider taking the next steps.
Marlowe Glassford, an FCC senior relationship manager, commercial says market demand is a subtle pull, which is a far better growth position than pushing your product on the market. It's a good sign when processors are hearing a demand and seeing a trend.
“You’ve already got the fundamentals,” Glassford says. “It’s not like you have to start from scratch; if it’s good, you can keep growing.”
Graham Smyth, also an FCC senior relationship manager, commercial says it’s important to understand the food and beverage landscape and the company’s position in it. Are you a newcomer in an already popular product market, a solid part of the food processing scene in your category or somewhere in the middle? Your position can help identify if there’s market demand and consumer acceptance of the product before adding more production lines or expanding into new markets.
Cherry-pick the best-performing SKUs - think five or six rather than 12 or 15 – to grow into a new market. Start small to test the waters rather than put all the resources into growth only to find out it’s not the right time, Glassford says.
2. Stability leads to growth
Stability is a good predictor of readiness and ability to grow. This includes financial stability, infrastructure, ingredient availability, and customized processes to support growth.
“We like to see financial stability, the product being in demand, and, at the backend of all of that, the supply chain management aspect,” Smyth says.
Consider how to improve production efficiency to bring stability. Robotics on the processing line or artificial intelligence to create time savings through predictive analytics, streamlined production, and administrative processes may be considerations.
Stability also means sticking to what you know, Glassford says. There may be a market trend to fill, but that doesn’t mean you should run to fill it if it’s counter to your existing food or beverage products, persona and structure.
“If the market is right for what you have, it’s not a bad time to start moving out,” Smyth adds. “Look at the actual market trends. What are the buzz items at the moment that would be associated with a company that wants to expand?”
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