Illinois State Fair officials unveiled the treasured Butter Cow today in the Dairy Building on the Illinois State Fairgrounds. Using the theme "Harvest the Fun," sculptor Sarah Pratt's creation brings the theme to life sculpting Illinois dairy farmer Lorilee Shultz from Mill-R-Mor Dairy in Orangeville Illinois, harvesting milk from one of her cows.
Lorilee is a legacy dairy farmer in Illinois taking over the dairy operations from her grandfather. Her daughter Lucy also plays a role around the farm, which is why a second sculpture of Lucy with a calf is featured in the original butter cow display case. The additional sculpture was sponsored by Illinois Farm Families with the butter being donated by Prairie Farms. The sculpture is an extension of the ‘We are the 96' campaign celebrating Illinois Farm families.
"It is a privilege to honor Illinois farm families by sculpting the famous butter cow each year," said Sarah Pratt, 2023 Illinois State Fair Butter Cow Sculptor. "This year it has really come full circle for me personally. My own daughter Grace sculpted the additional sculpture of Lucy and her calf. Family is at the heart of Illinois farms and to be able to honor that, while working alongside my 19-year-old daughter passing down this tradition to her is precious."
"The butter cow is a destination for many families during the Illinois State Fair, so it is only fitting that this year's sculpture portrays a dairy farm family right here in Illinois," said Illinois Agriculture Director, Jerry Costello II. "From family Christmas cards to family farmers, to the family that sculpts this icon, the butter cow represents what is at the heart of Illinois agriculture and that is family."