Home    Suicide Prevention Resources    Wyoming

Wyoming Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources

Farmer Specific Resources

Wyoming AgrAbility agriculture/stress.html

University of Wyoming Extension- Agriculture and Natural Resources Programs

Suicide Hotlines and Resources

Buffalo- Family Crisis Center
Crisis Line (800) 684-2030

Casper- Wyoming Behavioral Institute
Crisis Line 1-800-457-9312 (Toll Free Statewide)
24/7 support

Native American Support Services
(800) 735-7418
(307) 855-2285

Central Wyoming Counseling Center
Phone: 307-237-9583
CSS: 307-337-8842

Support Groups

Lived Experience Peer Support Group
Address: Laramie County Library, 2200 Pioneer Avenue, Cheyenne, WY
Day and time: Thursdays from 6-7:30pm
Contact: 307-256-3344
Additional Information:

Hour of Grace Grief Support Group
Address: Ivinson Memorial Hospital - Summit Room, 255 N 30th Street, Laramie, WY
Day and time: third Thursdays from 6-7:30pm
Contact: 307-256-3344

Survivors of Suicide Loss
Address: United Methodist Church, 1116 W. Park Avenue, Riverton, WY
Day and time: Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm
Contact: Janet Nyberg 307-851-7188

J.R.’s Hunt; for life
Address: 500 South Wolcott, Casper, WY
Day and time: second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm
Contact: Jenny Hunter 307-259-6032
Additional Information: (there are two meetings 5:30pm for those that have lost a loved one to suicide, and 6:30 for the depression group of those that have attempted or have suicidal thoughts)

Suicide Survivors Support Group
Address: 1032 E. First St., Casper, WY
Day and time: first and third Thursday of the month from 6:30-8pm
Contact: Felicia Cummings, 307-233-4265

Surviving Suicide Loss
Address: 1701 Stampede Ave., Cody, WY
Day and time: third Thursday of the month at 6:30pm
Contact: Lorraine Steppe 307-250-8299

Hour of Grace Grief Support Group
Address: Platte County Library, 904 9th Street, Wheatland, WY
Day and time: fourth Thursday of the month from 6:30-8pm
Contact: 307-256-3344

Sublette County Postvention Crisis Steering Team
Address: 24 Country Club Lane, Pinedale, WY
Day and time: twice a month at 10am (contact for days)
Contact: Ranae Pape (307) 360-6382
Additional Information: