Home    Suicide Prevention Resources    Newfoundland

Newfoundland Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources

Farmer Specific Resources

Newfoundland and Labrador- Programs and Funding

Newfoundland and Labrador Agriculture Programs

Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry association- Funding

Suicide Hotlines and Resources

Newfoundland and Labrador Mental Health Crisis Line
(709) 737-4668 (crisis, 24/7 support)
(888) 737-4668 (toll free, crisis, 24/7 support)

Newfoundland and Labrador HealthLine 811
1-888-709-2929 (toll free, crisis, 24/7 support)
1-888-709-3555 TTY

Canadian Mental Health Association- Newfoundland and Labrador Division


Support Groups

Richard’s Legacy Foundation for Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group
Address: The Comfort House, 11 Caprea Place, St. John’s
Day and Time: first and third Monday of the month from 7:30-9:30pm
Contact: Tina Davies (709) 726-4223

Survivors of Suicide Loss
Address: CHANNAL office building, 878 Topsail Road, St. John's
Day and Time: first Tuesday of the month from 7:30-8:30pm and third Monday of the month from 7:30-8:30pm
Contact: Tina Davies, 709-726-4223,
Additional Information: free

St. John's Bereavement Support Group
Address: Dr. Leonard A. Miller Centre
Day and Time: second Tuesday of the month from 7-9pm
Contact: (709) 777-2167, (709) 777-8972
Additional Information: Call before Attending