$265,500 CAD

(approximately $184,920  USD)

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Ranch / Pasture
Listing Status:
Rm No. 42,
Willow Bunch, Saskatchewan
S0H4K0, Canada
Total Acres:
Ted Cawkwell
RE/MAX Saskatoon - Saskatchewan

Detailed Description

Two adjacent pasture quarters located in the RM Willow Bunch #042 with beautiful views overlooking Fife Lake. Perimeter is fully fenced with 4 wire barbed wire fence, as well as portions of electric fencing powered by solar panels in the lake. The SE 02-04-30 W2 quarter has a spring fed dugout on the edge of the lake providing a good source of water for cattle. The average carrying capacity is between 25-50 cow/calf pairs. There is good all season access to this land. 234.48 Total Acres (ISC), 95 Cultivated Acres (SAMA), 110 Native Grass Acres (SAMA), 30 Wetland/Bush Acres (SAMA), 155,600 Farmland Only Assessed Value (SAMA), 1,258 Per Total Acre (ISC), 3,105 Per Cultivated Acre (SAMA), 1.9 times the Assessed Value, Crop Insurance Soil rating is K. (26928973)

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