$3,800,000 CAD

(approximately $2,646,700  USD)

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Ranch / Pasture
Listing Status:
RM 371 Bayne,
Prud'homme, Saskatchewan
S0K 0S0, Canada
Total Acres:
Ted Cawkwell
RE/MAX Saskatoon - Saskatchewan

Detailed Description

This bison ranch package includes 13 contiguous quarters with page wire fencing, and 1 additional quarter in close proximity. This bison operation would work well as a bison ranch or a cattle ranch. There is an abundance of fresh water on the property, with numerous small lakes throughout the property. Yard site buildings have been converted from a former radar base and includes a duplex residence and heated shop with natural gas heat, handling system, and multiple storage buildings. A tower onsite is used by an internet provider, providing free internet access to the entire ranch. A new well has just been dug. All season road access to the ranch with easy access from Highway 2. An unopened road allowance runs through the ranch and is available for private use. There are Ducks Unlimited easements on 12 of the quarters. These easements do not affect the business in any way. Bison and machinery available for purchase at an additional cost.

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