$2,750,000 CAD

(approximately $1,915,375  USD)

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Bare Land
Listing Status:
43079 Hullet McKillop Road,
Walton, Ontario
N0K 1Z0, Canada
Huron County
Total Acres:
Phil Spoelstra and Ron Steenbergen
Farm Ontario - Ontario

Detailed Description

96 Acres after severance with 86 workable. An excellent farm with a mixture of Perth, Huron and Brookston Clay Loam soil with regular manure applications and a small hardwood bush. Good random tile. Buyer must meet Huron East and Huron County's criteria of excess farm dwelling to complete the severance of the buildings from the land. The severance will be directly behind the old barn straight across. The newer barn will go with the land. The newer hog barn to be removed prior to closing.

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