$2,508,000 CAD

(approximately $1,768,390  USD)

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Bare Land
Listing Status:
PT LT 22&23 Conc 5 John Wise Line,
Malahide, Ontario
N5H 2R5, Canada
Elgin County
Total Acres:
Phil Spoelstra and Ron Steenbergen
Farm Ontario - Ontario

Detailed Description

SOLD - 94.5 acres of bare land just south east of Aylmer near Summers Corners. This parcel offers roughly 88 workable acres of sandy loam land that is connected up with underground irrigation and also benefits from systematic tiling at 40 feet with lower areas tiled at 20 feet. Wet years or dry years you have the control with this farm! There is a good irrigation pond on site which the underground irrigation draws from. A convenient farm to work with great access from John Wise Line which is paved. This site could also be a great location for a new home!

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