$4,150,000 CAD

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Listing Status:
6688 Line 26,
Staffa, Ontario
N0K 1Y0, Canada
Perth County
Total Acres:
Joanne Baines and Philip Chabot
Just Farms - Ontario

Detailed Description

Just outside Staffa in West Perth, lies this productive 102-acre farm consisting of Perth Clay Loam soils all systematic tiled @ 40. This farm has been operating as a certified organic farm on 92 workable acres since 2016 and has grown winter wheat, winter barley and soybean crops. Older home and outbuildings. The Seller would like to stay in the home for a period of time after closing. Don't miss out on making this prime piece of agricultural land yours. Whether you're an established farmer looking to expand or eager to make your mark in organic farming, this property is your path to success.

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