$1,235,000 CAD

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Bare Land
Listing Status:
PT LT 4 Conc 11,
Alvinston, Ontario
N0N 1A0, Canada
Middlesex County
Total Acres:
Phil Spoelstra and Ron Steenbergen
Farm Ontario - Ontario

Detailed Description

SOLD - Bare land farms are always a nice addition to your land holdings. Clear workable acres with no buildings provide hassle free ownership or the potential of a building lot. This 63 acre farm features 56 workable acres that front on two roads for simple access and is just on the outskirts of Alvinston. The workable land is all in one one block with the balance of the farm being woodlot, a great setting to build a home subject to local approvals. The soil type is Brantford Silty Clay Loam and the topography is gently rolling. Offers on January 28/2025

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