45 Acres Farm w/ 3 Bedrooms Farmhouse In Central Elgin for Sale, Central Elgin, Ontario

45 Acres Farm w/ 3 Bedrooms Farmhouse In Central Elgin for Sale, Central Elgin, Ontario
  • 45 Acres Farm w/ 3 Bedrooms Farmhouse In Central Elgin for Sale, Central Elgin, Ontario
45 Acres Farm w/ 3 Bedrooms Farmhouse In Central Elgin for Sale, Central Elgin, Ontario

$960,000 CAD

(approximately $669,408  USD)

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Bare Land
Listing Status:
401 Hartsgravel Rd,
Central Elgin, Ontario
K0G 1E0, Canada
Elgin County
Total Acres:
Michael G. Li
Le Sold Realty Brokerage Inc. - Ontario

Detailed Description

Like enjoy a country-style life? Looking for a great investment opportunity? This 45-acre farm (currently growing grass for cows) land with a stone house with great privacy can be your paradise! Great location, minutes drive to Hwy 15, half an hr to 401 or Smith Falls, ideally situated midway of Ottawa and Kingston, both elementary and high school nearby. Whole house was renovated in year 2022 - floor, lighting,& kitchen + bath, new appliances water softener filtering, UV system, Stone house is strong like castle. Fuel Furnace. W. barns, sheds, chicken house. Turkey, Deer, Goose, Duck, and Blue Jay visit often, nice for hunting.

Farmhouse: 1.5 storey, 1,182 sqft, 3 bedrooms & 1 bathroom. Unfinished basement. 2 attached garage parking spaces.

Zoning: RU Zone

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