$325,000 CAD

(approximately $226,622  USD)

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Development Land
Listing Status:
0 Jamestown Line,
Aylmer, Ontario
N5H 2R2, Canada
Elgin County
Total Acres:
Jennifer Henderson
Just Farms - Ontario

Detailed Description

Beautiful building lot just minutes from the charming town of Sparta and lakefront Port Bruce. This scenic property comprises an area of 33 acres, zoned A1 and includes 6 workable acres with 27 acres of bush. Hydro is available along Jamestown Line. Enjoy incredible views, amazing hunting, hiking and horseback riding in the lush forest. Whether you are seeking tranquility, outdoor adventure, or simply a connection with nature, this property offers it all. Zoning allows building. Conservation Authority approval required

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