$1,495,000 CAD

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Bare Land
Listing Status:
N 1/2 LT 26 Concession 4,
Malahide, Ontario
N5H 2R5, Canada
Elgin County
Total Acres:
Phil Spoelstra and Ron Steenbergen
Farm Ontario - Ontario

Detailed Description

If you have been looking for a productive piece of land to add to your landbase, then look no further. This farmland consists of approximately 100 acres, with approximately 55 highly productive workable acres. The remaining approximately 45 acres of bush is a potential income source, or a wonderful spot to roam and explore. The buyer of this land needs to own an existing farm operation and be able to qualify for an excess farm dwelling severance through Elgin County/Malahide Township. The current home, shop and approximately 2 acres will remain the property of the seller and the remaining farmland will become the property of the buyer. The taxes will be assessed at the time of severance.

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