$970,000 CAD

(approximately $675,605  USD)

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Ranch / Pasture
Listing Status:
Section 31-27-14-W4,
Hanna, Alberta
T0J 0C4, Canada
Total Acres:
Roy Carter
CLHbid.com - Alberta

Detailed Description

Selling ONLINE Feb 28, 2024. 'Cadillac Brand' will be offered for sale by CLHbid.com by way of ONLINE electronic tender from 9am-10am MST.

The price listed is the Starting Bid - see website for Updates and Details.

Ranchers live in a world where fundamental values are an integral part of every operation. The brand hanging at the gate defines the identity of the ranch, much like a firm handshake over the fence with the neighbor defines the integrity of the rancher.

‘Cadillac Brand’ is a full section located within Special Area 2 in Central-Eastern Alberta. With a total of 642 acres, this premium section is ready for the next ranching family to hang their brand on the gate. There are currently 80 acres of improved pasture, and the balance of the assemblage is in native grasses. The fences are livestock ready and there is a full mile of new fencing situated along the eastern boundary.

Three separate approaches situated on the northern boundary provide excellent access for liners and stock trailers. With a name like ‘Cadillac Brand, exceptional water is simply expected. There is a large spring-fed dugout located in the west/central portion of the section, and the additional three shallow water sources located near the eastern boundary provide peace of mind, even during the dry years.

The land base at ‘Cadillac Brand’ is large enough to make sense, whether ranching locally or from afar. Book a liner in the spring for the cows, as well as a couple of stock trailers for calves, and be prepared to book two liners in the fall. This good, hard grass will take care of the herd with minimal maintenance.

If considering a mixed operation farm, ‘Cadillac Brand’ has room to grow the number of improved acres. The Special Areas are situated in a unique spot within Alberta, one that provides significant opportunities for producers. Prudent ranchers are spreading out their pasture requirements to mitigate risk, and ‘Cadillac Brand’ checks that box. A typical summer will be spent watching the calves grow, and during the odd dry years, one may take advantage of the pasture insurance that is available within the Special Areas.

Living and working in the Special Areas is a unique experience. ‘Cadillac Brand’ boasts excellent access with Township Road 280 forming the northern border, and Hwy 862 is located a mere 3 miles to the west. A quick half an hour drive south of Hanna, Alberta, ninety minutes to Strathmore, and just over two hours to Lacombe for the out of area buyer, ‘Cadillac Brand’ offers an ideal location.

‘Cadillac Brand’ is being offered for sale via online escalating tender by CLHbid.com. Please check the website for updates from time to time.

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