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IPTV Market To Market, Analyst Tomm Pfitzenmaier

Jun 06, 2016

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This Market to Market video describes the rain flood situation in Texas. It further explains what is going on in the Supreme Courts regarding bodies of water and waters of the United States. Mentioning lawsuits and decisions on the WOTUS lawsuits, while also shedding light on the EPA’s lengthy and costly process of getting approval without guarantee of permits for farmers. It also describes the help provided by the Federal Government to the tobacco farmers to recover from the great depression of 1930’s. They put a strict limit on how much could be grown in exchange for government support. Many Tobacco farmers found a silver lining as they transition from the golden leaf. Video also explains how growing products organically has resulted into positive growth both economically & environmentally, as consumers want quality products for which they could pay a little more money.


Market Plus : Tomm Pfitzenmaier