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Blog: Super Bowl Ad.

Jan 30, 2014

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I've been watching all the exciting posts about the Super Bowl...well, actually about the advertisements during the Super Bowl! I actually will be rooting for a certain team this year, but I can't favorite part is the ads...closely followed by the food. Yes, we do go to a party of friends and everyone brings food.

But this year, I will be watching the ads especially closely--as we will be in one of them! Okay, not a national Super Bowl ad, but in 20 cities across the nation (including Denver, *ahem*) an ad featuring a farm family and a city family in a split screen will show during a local commercial break! We are the farm family! Check it out now...

This ad is all about families and the similarities between farm families and city families. You will see a mom doing "mom-things" like potty training her little one and teaching a kid to ride a bike. And the farm mom will be caring for a baby calf and handing the keys to the combine to her nearly grown son. The tears you see me begin to cry at the end are very real! In fact, I'm tearing up a bit while writing this! I'm a "Crier" and any of my kids will tell you that I cry at the most insignificant emotional event. So when they told me to just do what comes naturally, I tried to hold back the tears, but I just couldn't!!

So, even though not everyone will see this ad during the Super Bowl, I hope if you see it, you let me know! I'm very proud of what it says about farmers! We are real people out here doing what it takes to care for the land and animals to produce food and a way of life for our family.

Oh, and a little side I got to have my own make-up gal and she spent quite a bit of time before my closeup making me look good! (It took quite awhile!) But after a couple of takes, the director comes up and says, "She probably wouldn't be wearing that much makeup on the farm. Take some of it off!" I said, "YES I WOULD!" but the make-up gal came at me with a wet wipe and took it off! So not only do I cry on national tv, but I do it with very little make-up on! Geez.

If you live near me, you will see it on the Topeka station or the Kansas City station. Denver will also show it, but I'm not certain of the other cities! If you have seen it since Thanksgiving, you will see it on your station during the Super Bowl. If you haven't seen it on your local station, you may not have it in your area. So help spread the word online and check out the other two ads by on YouTube and then go to the website and see the information about those ads and families!

By the way, I'll be making Beef & Blue Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms for the food I take to the game! Check out the recipe here: And, Go Broncos!

Life on a Kansas Cattle Ranch is a Blog by Debbie Lyons-Blythe. She is a cattle rancher in central Kansas, in the heart of the Flint Hills. Debbie and her husband both grew up raising cattle. It is an excellent way of life, not just a job!