Corn Video Report
Setting up your combine for a successful harvest
Drew Pearson, Territory Sales Representative at Dow Seeds give us some valuable tips on preparing our equipment so there are no surprises or delays at harvest time.
The best time to harvest your corn
Karin Younghans, Territory Sales Manager at Dow Seeds gives us some helpful tips on how to determine which corn field is the right one harvest first
Scouting for western bean cutworm larvae
Holly Loucas, Customer Agronomist at Dow Seeds gives us tips on how to scout our corn fields for western bean cutworm larvae so we can best manage the pest.
The Importance of Monitoring Western Bean Cutworm Moths in Corn
Holly Loucas, Customer Agronomist at Dow Seeds tells us about the importance of setting traps in your corn fields to capture western bean cutworm moths. A large population of moths could result in significant yield loss if not dealt with.
Choosing the right seed treatment for your conditions
Holly Loucas, Customer Agronomist at Dow Seeds tells us about the importance of a seed treatment for vitality after planting as well as choosing the correct seed treatment based out your soil and environmental conditions.
The Benefits of using a nitrogen stabilizer
Paul Foran, Market Development Specialist at Dow AgroSciences tells us about the science behind their eNtrench nitrogen stabilizer and the financial and environmental benefits producers will have when using eNtrench.
Setting up your planter for a succesful year.
Drew Pearson, Territory Sales Representative at Dow Seeds gives us some helpful tips to get our planter set up properly to give the seed the best chance for high yields in the fall.