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Canola Watch #16

Jul 24, 2014

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Four the week

Distinguished pests. CCC agronomists launch a new video (see below) this week with tips and helpful images for your pre-harvest disease scouting routine.

Who ya gonna call? More tank mixes and more time stress create all sorts of scenarios for crop-damaging mistakes. Hopefully the two parties can figure out the problem and resolve this situation amicably. If not, a consulting agrologist might help.

Nein-1-1. A decision to apply a rescue treatment for hail or heat requires two things: (1) Realistic expectations that an economic return may not occur and (2) acceptance that sufficient independent research on boron or any other rescue treatment hasn’t been done.

Bloomin’ long. Canola with low plant populations will flower longer. With rain or humidity and a long time at “full flower,” is a second fungicide or a late first fungicide now worthwhile? Assess the situation and the tolerance for risk.

Map of the week

The areas in orange and red have had the most days with maximum temperatures of 28°C or above in July. These hot days can cause higher levels of flower abortion, especially if they come in combination with warm nights. Areas in light green have had 2 to 4 days with maximum temperatures of 28°C or more, and dark green areas have had fewer than 2, which would be considered good news on the heat front for those regions.

Thanks to Trevor Hadwen at AAFC for creating this map from their data.

July 23 Quiz

We have three questions on insect management plus a bonus mystery question (shown in the photo above) that has no answer, yet. We don’t know what this is, and we’re hoping you might.

Source: Alberta Canola Producers Commission