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Calf Value Discovery Program Provides Needed Feedback To Cattle Producers

Sep 22, 2014

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By Julie Walker

Weaning is fast approaching and cattle prices are good. With the current prices, many producers may want to sell calves at weaning, which is understandable especially if there are financial obligations. However, if a cattle producer sells their calves at weaning, most often they lose track of how those calves perform in the feedlot and on the rail. The SDSU Extension Calf Value Discovery Program allows commercial cow/calf operators to get valuable feedback to help them improve their management decision that impact the financial bottom-line.

The SDSU Calf Value Discovery program is designed to allow producers to consign a minimum of 5 steer calves (500 to 800 lb). Cattle will be fed in an accelerated finishing program at the Vander Wal Yards, Bruce, SD. SDSU personnel will weigh cattle periodically and cattle owners will be sent performance updates. Cattle will be sold in truckload lots beginning approximately May 15th. All cattle will be sold on a grid price system. For specific details on the program, visit the SDSU Calf Value Discovery website.

We are excited to have Dr. Reid McDaniel, SDSU Feedlot Specialist, joining the team, which manages the CVD program. Dr. McDaniel started at SDSU on September 2nd.

The registration deadline is October 15th. Calves can be delivered directly to Vander Wal Yards on either November 5th or 6th or delivered to our Cottonwood Research Station on Tuesday, November 4th.
