What can you do to get a better score for your Content Classified?
The more information you provide, the more potential customers can find your item.
Three key areas of information are important:
Information Fields
If there are 10 fields to complete when submitting a classified to a specific sub-category,
the more of the fields you complete, the higher your score. Making an effort here,
can help us to match website searches with the classified you have for sale. Once
your classified listing is found in search, the more fields you have completed,
the more your potential customer knows about your listing.
As they say, a picture speaks a 1000 words. We encourage you to post at least one
image, and hopefully two.
This is your sales pitch. As in the information fields, the more information you
provide, the better your chances of meeting your potential customer’s needs. Use
adjectives. Try to have a minimum of 100 characters in your description.