50 Acre Farm for Sale

  • 50 Acre Farm for Sale

$2,481,100  CAD

(approximately $1,719,402  USD)

Equipment Specifications

Category:Real Estate
Type:Real Estate for Sale
Item Location:ChatsworthON,Canada

Detailed Description

Captivating 50-acre farm. Located in Chatsworth. Minutes from McCullough and Williams Lake, and a 30-minute drive to Beaver Valley and Story Book Park. This property is ideal for hobby farmers, entrepreneurs, or anyone who appreciates the beauty of the countryside, offering endless possibilities. The raised 4 Bedroom bungalow spans 3,200 sq ft. 50ftx60ft repurposed Studio/Barn. 6 apple trees and 1 pear tree, and vegetable garden to grow your own fresh produce. 30ft x 40ft Workshed with a hydraulic lift, running water, a wood stove, hydro and more. Property is zoned A1. A portion of the 20 acres is leased to a local farmer for raising animals; chickens and ostriches. (20 Acres Workable. Hardwood & Softwood Throughout)

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