CORN SEED for Sale

  • CORN SEED for Sale
    CORN SEED for Sale
  • CORN SEED for Sale
    CORN SEED for Sale
  • CORN SEED for Sale

$33  USD

(approximately $46  CAD)

Equipment Specifications

Category:Livestock / Poultry / Pets
Type:Beef Cattle
Item Location:AustinMB,Canada

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Detailed Description


For Silage and Grazing.

Approximately $33.00 per acre seed cost - LOWER COST ALTERNATIVE FOR GRAZING AND SILAGE.
Corn stands 7 to 9 feet tall with wide leaves

High nutrition value and yield potential, high protein levels in the entire plant
2150 to 2200 CHU's Open Pollinated Corn Seed NON GMO Approximately 75 days to maturity.
Approximately $33.00 PER ACRE Based on 26000 PPA Selling into North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota & Minnesota. Taking orders for Spring delivery into those areas.

Catt Corn Seed. Produced in Manitoba 2047232831 for further details or questions.

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