Trioliet Solomix 2-1500zk

  • Trioliet Solomix 2-1500zk
    Trioliet Solomix 2-1500zk
  • Trioliet Solomix 2-1500zk
    Trioliet Solomix 2-1500zk
  • Trioliet Solomix 2-1500zk
    Trioliet Solomix 2-1500zk

$19,800  USD

(approximately $28,289  CAD)

Equipment Specifications

Category:Livestock Equipment
Type:Feed Grinders / Mixers
Location:Athen, TN
Model:Solomix 2-1500zk

AgCentral Co-op

920 Congress Pkwy
Athens, TN, United States

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Detailed Description

Trioliet twin screw vertical mixer grinder Commercial super single tires 435/50R/19.5 540 HD ptp shaft Ladder and platform Triform knives Digistar 2000 scale system Knives excellent 423-368-7753
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