2024 John Deere Z950R w/Tweels


$16,098  USD

(approximately $23,162  CAD)

Equipment Specifications

Category:Lawn and Garden
Type:Riding Lawn Mowers
Manufacturer:John Deere
Engine horsepower:27
Model:Z950R w/Tweels
Serial number:1TC950RCARR130317

City Tractor Co.

645 Penn Ct.
North Liberty, IA, United States

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Detailed Description

John Deere Z950R Z-Trak mower for sale...NEW...60" 7-Iron side-discharge mower...full suspension seat with armrests...Michelin Tweel tires..."buttons in the handles"...List price $19,248...sell price $17098...deduct JD $1000 bonus, good thru 31July'24...your final price $16,098...various finance plans available, with minor fees...[this is a NEW mower, not used]

Additional Description

Mower Options: Tweels, Width: 60 in,
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