SnowEx 32200

  • SnowEx 32200
    SnowEx 32200

$4,948  USD

(approximately $7,064  CAD)

Equipment Specifications

Category:Lawn and Garden

City Tractor Co.

645 Penn Ct.
North Liberty, IA, United States

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Detailed Description

SnowEx 32200 V-Pro spreader for sale...NEW...(previous model number SP-2000) ideal size for most UTV's...shorter and lighter than standard truck spreaders...easily treat sidewalks, bike paths and driveways...poly hopper...11 cu ft capacity; will carry up to 880 lbs of material...includes dual variable-speed controller to match your material flow...vibrator included...easy-to-remove chute...this is a NEW spreader, not used...complete installation service, including wiring to the battery and controller: $325

Additional Description

Specifications: Capacity: 11 cu ft; Empty weight: 280 lb; Spread width up to 30'; One-piece LLDPE safety yellow poly hopper with integral vertical rib construction;
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